Essential Oils Accessories

Lotus Diffuser

The lotus Diffuser uses a highly efficient real time atomization  technology  to effectively diffuse  essential oil into the environment. The essential oils are atomized into minute ion particles and active oxygen anions, which are more easily absorbed by the human body than oils diffused by conventional diffuders. Doterra is pleased to be the exclusive distributor of the lotus diffuser to you and your family.

  Petal Diffuser 

Petal Diffuser is a Small, user-friendly diffuser that delivers health-promoting benefits to your family and home.

Si alguien está interesado en comprar clic el link que esta abajo, si tiene alguna consulta o desea aprenden sobre este excelente producto, me puede contactar por mail.

Anyone interested in buying products here is my link, Any questions hold of me on here or email.

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Holiday 2018